Corinna Burford - SXSW News | Apr 17, 2015

Photo by Lauren Lindley
As attendees descended on the downtown area they proved for the second year in a row that Austin B-cycle is a favorite transit alternative among SXSW registrants and year-round residents of Austin.
As attendees descended on the downtown area they proved for the second year in a row that Austin B-cycle is a favorite transit alternative among SXSW registrants and year-round residents of Austin.
Launched just over a year ago in December 2013, the popular bike share platform has seen two record setting spring seasons during the festivities of SXSW. In 2014, Austin B-cycle set a record 6.2 average of checkouts per b-cycle per day and a one-day record of 10.1 checkouts per b-cycle per day. During the 2015 conference, a record 3,032 total trips were taken in one day on Thursday, March 19th, averaging 8.2 trips per B-cycle.
From March 13th - March 22nd, the Austin B-cycle team manned 9 valet stations and balanced the system nearly 7,000 times to account for the influx of trips made to the central business district, primarily the Austin Convention Center. Throughout the 10 days of SXSW, attendees and visitors of Austin took over 21,000+ trips - nearly 4,000 more trips than B-cycle's inaugural SXSW in 2014!